Donate to our server and get VIP

Donations will cover the cost of server and website hosting, and they will allow the server to continue on a month to month basis.
We need your help to keep the server, and the community which has grown around it alive for as long as possible.

By donating, you will be helping to keep the YG-Gaming server running. You must, however, agree to the following terms and conditions:


$10 / month You'll get VIP status in-game and forums
Level 1
Level based commands
Rare vehicles
Auto gates and garages
Special House & gates
Quick vehicle fix


$15 / month You'll get VIP status in-game and forums
Level 2
level 2 based commands
Special House & gates
Specious garage
Rare vehicles
Superman mode


$20 / month You'll get VIP status in-game and forums
Level 3
Premium commands
Special House & gates
Auto gates and garages
Rare vehicles
Silver & Gold Features

Terms and Conditions

  • If you end up getting banned from the server, your donation will not be refunded.
  • Donations will not be refunded under any circumstances.
  • Players who file an "unauthorized payment", create a dispute/claim or cancel the payment will be banned immediately.
  • If you are donating with someone elses credit card or account, you must have their permission before donating.
  • Donations are used directly for the server and hosted listing payments, not for personal uses.
  • Financial statements / Information about current server costs etc.. will not be made public.
  • VIP Rank is not transferable.
  • You can either buy VIP for 1 Month or Permanent/Lifetime.